References for Further Research
Books and Articles About Wicca
Adler, Margot. Drawing Down the Moon Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers and Other Pagans in America. 4th ed. New York: Penguin Books, 2006.
“America’s Changing Religious Identity.” PRRI (blog). Accessed November 26, 2018.
Barner-Barry, Carol. Contemporary Paganism: Minority Religions in a Majoritarian America. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Buckland, Raymond. Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft. 2nd edition. St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A: Llewellyn Publications, 2002.
Carpenter, Dennis D. “Emergent Nature Spirituality.” In Magical Religion and Modern Witchcraft, edited by James R. Lewis. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1996.
Crabtree, Vexen. “Prayer Is Magic, and Prayers Are Spells.” Accessed February 26, 2019.
Crowley, Vivanne. “Wicca as Nature Religion.” In Nature Religion Today Paganism in the Modern World, edited by Joanne Pearson, Richard H. Roberts, and Geoffrey Samuel. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998.
Cunningham, Scott. Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. 1st edition. St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 2002.
———. Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A: Llewellyn Publications, 1989.
Farrar, Stewart. What Witches Do: A Modern Coven Revealed. 4th ed. London: Robert Hale, 2010.
Hedenborg-White, Manon. “Contemporary Paganism.” In Controversial New Religions, edited by James R. Lewis and Jesper Aa. Petersen, Second., 315–30. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Jensen, Gary F., and Ashley Thompson. “‘Out of the Broom Closet’: The Social Ecology of American Wicca.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 47, no. 4 (2008): 753–66.
K, Amber. True Magick: 2nd Edition. Revised, Expanded edition. St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 2006.
Lewis, James R., ed. Magical Religion and Modern Witchcraft. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1996.
Luhrmann, T.M. Persuasions of the Witch’s Craft. Cambridge Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1989.
Orion, Loretta. Never Again the Burning Times: Paganism Revived. Prospect Heights, Ill: Waveland Press, 1995.
Pearson, Joanne. “Assumed Affinities: Wicca and the New Age.” In Nature Religion Today Paganism in the Modern World, edited by Joanne Pearson, Richard H. Roberts, and Geoffrey Samuel. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998.
Pearson, Joanne. "Wicca, Esotericism and Living Nature: Assessing Wicca as Nature Religion." Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies 13.10 (2012): 4-15. Web.
Pearson, Joanne, Richard H. Roberts, and Geoffrey Samuel, eds. “Introduction.” In Nature Religion Today Paganism in the Modern World. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998.
RavenWolf, Silver. To Ride a Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft. St Paul Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 1994.
Spencer, Linda. “Neo-Paganism: Ritual and Life Forged by the Burning Times.” University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2011.
Starhawk. Dreaming the Dark: Magic, Sex, and Politics. Boston: Beacon Press, 1982.
———. The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess. 10th Anniversary Edition. San Francisco, CA: Harper and Row, 1989.
———. Truth or Dare Encounters with Power, Authority, and Mystery. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1987.
Versnel, H. S. “Some Reflections on the Relationship Magic-Religion.” Numen 38, no. 2 (1991): 177–97.
White, Ethan. Wicca: History, Belief, and Community in Modern Pagan Witchcraft. New York, United States: Sussex Academic Press, 2015.
Witches and Witch Hunts
Ben-Yehuda, Nachman. “The European Witch Craze of the 14th to 17th Centuries: A Sociologist’s Perspective.” American Journal of Sociology 86, no. 1 (1980): 1–31.
Bever, Edward. “Popular Witch Beliefs and Magical Practices.” In The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Colonial America, edited by Brian P. Levack. Oxford University Press, 2013.
Davies, Owen. America Bewitched: The Story of Witchcraft After Salem. Reprint edition. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Hutton R. Writing the History of Witchcraft: A Personal View. Pomegranate. 2010;12(2): 239-262. doi:10.1558/pome.v12i2.239.
Orion, Loretta. Never Again the Burning Times: Paganism Revived. Prospect Heights, Ill: Waveland Press, 1995.
Read, Donna. The Burning Times. National Film Board of Canada, 1990.
Russell, Jeffrey B., and Brooks Alexander. A New History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics, and Pagans. London: Thames and Hudson, 2007.